DiTi TwAy FaNTaSy wORLd

DiTi  TwAy  FaNTaSy  wORLd

Manhattan on Xénie Air - Metaverses Chronicles

DiTi Tway in the Metaverses Chronicles !


                                 The Metaverses Chronicles collect verious contempory texts around a literary declension of the raids and the adventures, taking place in the persevering worlds. Effectively, in these particular places of web such as the Second Life, Kaneva, Entropia Universe and many others, the borders between genres, virtuality and reality are abolished giving birth to new interactions wich are in the heart of the "Metaverses Chronicles".


                                     DiTi TWAY Slam poet and French-speaking performer proposes the story of Xénie Destiny, blog-writer and net-reporter telling to the micro, her daily adventures mixing auto-fiction and extravagant life in the universe of the worlds of the social virtual games.

                                              All the days, weeks after weeks, Xénie speak on air in a small digital  home studio in ghetto of Paris  St Denis and produce his strange audio-theater " Manhattan On Xénie Air",..

                                               "Manhattan On Xénie Air"  great blog radio show is a radiohead alternative concept, absolutely amazing, truly brilliant and one of most complex and original poetry talking head song out there today !!


Resume :


                                       Xénie is a hopeless romantic and trying to find a real man in a suburban life, the "Manhattan Show" follows Xénie living on the seemingly perfect housewife but recently her boyfriend's suicide,..

                                        "Manhattan On Xénie Air" is a big Slam Fantasy performance, vibrant, alive and incredibly powerful in this art of spokenword and oral poetry !

                                         Donald Tomàs Tway is born in south of France after a childhood in Canada and studies in Paris at the beginning of 2000s, it's in this time that he created the Xénie Show under the mp3 downloadable files by which the book is inspired.



  >>> in French




     Le Roman d'une SLam Girl * 

*Guy In Real Life

                        DiTi -TWAY















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